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Home » The Latest Instagram Updates You Need to Know About in 2023

The Latest Instagram Updates You Need to Know About in 2023

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Social media is always changing. And Instagram is no exception. With frequent updates, it can be hard to keep up with all the new features. This article will summarize the key Instagram updates from 2022 that you need to know about going into 2023.

1. Collabs Get An Upgrade

Collaborative posts on Instagram just got a major upgrade. Now, you can collaborate with up to 4 other accounts on a single post or Reel. This is perfect for:

  • Brand collaborations or partnerships
  • Influencer collaborations
  • Cross-promotions

By allowing up to 4 accounts to co-post the same content, you can expand your reach 4x on a single post. More eyeballs, more engagement, more traffic. What’s not to love?

This new 4-way collab is an extension of the existing collaborative posting feature. But now, your collaborations can be bigger and better.

Key Takeaways:

  • Collab with up to 4 other accounts on a single post or Reel
  • Appears in the feeds of all collaborating accounts
  • Great for cross-promotions and partnerships
  • Expand reach and engagement

2. Threads Comes Out Of Its Shell

Threads by Instagram launched to a lukewarm reception. Many felt it was too barebones. But recent updates have added more functionality. While adoption remains slow, here are some of the newest additions to Threads:

For You + Following Feeds

Like Twitter, Threads now has:

  • A For You feed with recommendations
  • A Following feed to only see people you follow

This makes it easier to discover new content and stay up-to-date with your connections.

Automatic Translations

Threads will detect languages and translate posts automatically. No more guessing what that post says!

More Activity Options

Your activity feed now shows follows, reposts, and more. You have more insight into what’s happening.

One-Click Following

Easily follow back people who follow you right from your followers list. No more follow limit headaches!

Overall, Threads is now more functional. But it still faces an uphill battle gaining traction and retention.

Key Takeaways:

  • Added For You and Following feeds
  • Auto translations for posts
  • Expanded activity feed
  • Follow back people easily
  • Still faces adoption challenges

3. Easier Reels Creation

Instagram really wants people to create more Reels. And they’re making it as easy as possible with their latest updates.

Reels Templates

Reels now has browseable templates categorized by topic. You can instantly access templates to make cooking Reels, travel Reels, dance Reels, and more.

The templates pre-select music, arrangements, and text. All you do is add your own video clips. It’s Reels creation on autopilot.

Text Tool

When creating a Reel, you can now add text easily from the Reels composer. Instagram actively pushes users to add text natively within Reels rather than overlaying text afterward.

Text helps their systems understand what a Reel is about. And natively added text leads to better distribution on Explore and Reels tabs.

Key Takeaways:

  • New templates make Reels creation super simple
  • Add text easily within the Reels composer
  • Native text improves reach on Explore/Reels

4. Upgraded Reels Editing

Reels editing just got a major revamp as well. With 5 new options, Reels editing is nearly on par with competitors like TikTok.

Split Clips

Easily split a longer video into multiple clips within Reels. No more jumping back and forth between apps.

Adjust Speed

Speed up or slow down your clips right in the Reels editor. From 0.3x to 3x.

Replace Video

Swap out a clip for a different one without starting over. Huge time saver!

Trim Audio

Getting the perfect part of a song is easier than ever. Trim audio clips right within Reels.

Adjust Clips

Nudge your clips to perfectly line up with templates. Or easily create your own arrangements.

Together, these updates make Reels editing faster, more powerful, and more flexible.

Key Takeaways:

  • Split, speed up, slow down clips
  • Swap clips easily
  • Trim audio clips
  • Micro-adjust clips
  • Reels editor is now robust
New Reels Editing FeaturesDescriptions
Split ClipsDivide longer videos into multiple clips
Adjust SpeedSpeed up or slow down clips
Replace VideoSwap out clips quickly
Trim AudioGet the perfect audio snippet
Adjust ClipsNudge clips into perfect position

5. Subscriptions Expand Their Reach

Paid subscriptions on Instagram have been around for a bit. But now they are expanding to more countries.

Subscriptions allow creators to offer exclusive content and experiences to paying subscribers. This includes things like:

  • Exclusive stories and posts
  • Live videos
  • Badges and custom emojis
  • Special access like DMs

Subscriptions are now available in the US, UK, Canada, and 8 other countries. With additional countries coming soon.

For creators, subscriptions are a way to establish deeper connections with your most engaged fans. And earn recurring revenue by providing subscriber-only content.

Key Takeaways

  • Paid subscriptions expand to more countries
  • Offer exclusive content to subscribers
  • Earn recurring revenue from fans

6. A Safer Experience For Teens

Instagram is rolling out a number of new features aimed at improving safety and privacy for younger users. Teens face increased bullying and unwanted contact on social platforms. Instagram is hoping these updates provide better protections.

Limit Contact From Strangers

Teens will now have the option to limit DMs and comments to people they follow or that follow them. This makes it easier to avoid unwanted contact from strangers.

Nudge Teens Away From Harmful Content

If teens are repeatedly looking at content that may encourage harmful social comparison or body image issues, Instagram will nudge them to look at different topics.

Make Blocking Easier

Blocking accounts will now remove those accounts from everywhere on Instagram, not just your feed. And list who you’ve blocked for easy management.

Default Accounts to Private

New teen accounts will now be private by default when they sign up. This prevents teens posts from being seen by unwanted strangers and adults.

While not perfect, these updates do provide teens with more control over their Instagram experience.

Key Takeaways:

  • Let teens limit DMs and comments
  • Nudge teens from harmful content
  • Make blocking easier
  • New teens accounts private by default

7. Improved Comment Controls

Comments are core to the Instagram experience. And misinformation in comments has been problematic. New comment controls aim to improve conversations.

Filter Offensive Comments

Expanded filter capabilities will automatically detect and hide offensive comments. This removes the need to manually delete them.

Manage Multiple Unwanted Comments

You can now select multiple comments at once to delete or report them. No more repetitive tapping for large volumes of comments.

Pin Comments

Keep positive and relevant comments at the top by pinning them. This showcases engagement you want first.

Delete Comments in Batches

Moderators can now delete up to 25 comments at once. Useful for quickly removing large numbers of inappropriate comments.

Together these updates create commenting experiences that are safer and more relevant.

Key Takeaways:

  • Filters automatically hide offensive comments
  • Select multiple comments to manage
  • Pin best comments to the top
  • Moderators can delete 25 comments at once
New Comment Moderation ToolsDescriptions
Filter Offensive CommentsAutomatically detect and hide offensive comments
Multi-SelectChoose multiple comments to manage at once
Pin CommentsKeep the best comments pinned at the top
Bulk DeleteModerators can delete up to 25 comments at once

8. Greater Support For Businesses

Instagram is laser-focused on commerce. And they’re rolling out more tools for businesses and creators to make money.

Improved Shop Features

The Instagram Shop tab continues improving. New features like verified seller tags and shoppable drops aim to drive more shopping activity.

Sell Media Across Apps

Creators can now sell photos, videos, and other media through Instagram to unlock new revenue streams. Your media is available for licensing across Meta’s apps.

Expanded Facebook Cross-Posting

More post types can now be cross-posted from Instagram to Facebook. This exposes your content to broader audiences to drive engagement.

Monetization Eligibility Toolkit

This new toolkit checks your account eligibility for features like ads and Shopping. Identify monetization opportunities.

Instagram is providing businesses and creators more ways to generate revenue directly on their platform.

Key Takeaways:

  • More shop features to drive sales
  • Sell your photos, videos, media items
  • Cross-post more content to Facebook
  • Toolkit to assess monetization eligibility

9. Updates For Content Creators

For creators and publishers, Instagram is rolling out tools to simplify content creation and storytelling.

Dual Camera Recording

Record using your phone’s front and back cameras simultaneously. Seamlessly stitch together different perspectives.

Import Video to Reels

Reels can now include video from your phone’s gallery. This makes repurposing video content into Reels easier.

Remix Any Public Photo

For Reels, you can now remix and reinvent any public photos. Enable new creative storytelling formats.

Visual Refresh Scheduler

Schedule feed post refreshes up to 75 days in advance through Creator Studio. Keep old content looking new.

Key Takeaways:

  • Dual camera recording
  • Import phone videos to Reels
  • Remix any public photo
  • Schedule feed refreshes 75 days out
New Creative ToolsDescriptions
Dual CameraRecord using front and back cameras simultaneously
Import Video to ReelsRepurpose existing clips into Reels
Public Photo RemixingUse any public photo in your own Reels
Visual Refresh SchedulerSchedule feed post refreshes up to 75 days in advance

The Key Takeaways

Instagram is evolving faster than ever. To recap, the most important Instagram updates to know include:

  • 4-way collaborative posts
  • Major improvements to Reels creation and editing
  • Expanded subscriptions and shopping features
  • New controls for safety, comments, and businesses
  • Additional creative tools for content producers

Knowing these updates will help you take advantage of new opportunities on Instagram. Save this overview for reference to ensure you never miss key changes.

What updates are you most excited to try out on Instagram? Let us know in the comments below!

How to Take Advantage of The Latest Instagram Features

Instagram is constantly releasing new features. But how do you actually use them to boost your brand? Here are tips for capitalizing on some of the latest Instagram updates.

Maximize 4-Way Collabs

Collaborating with multiple accounts on 1 post expands your reach exponentially. Here are ways to maximize 4-way collabs:

Do Audience Research

Make sure collaborator audiences align with yours. Analyze their demographics and interests to find ideal partnerships.

Alternate Who Posts

Have each account post a collaborative Reel or photo once per month. Spread the benefits across all partners.


Have all accounts drive attention to the collab with posts and stories beforehand. Gain momentum leading up to the launch.

Focus on Reels

Collabs have the biggest impact as Reels. Take advantage of the increased visibility Reels get on Explore pages.

Give Sneak Peeks

Share teasers of the collab in the days before launch. Build anticipation among your collective followers.

With the right partners and promotion, 4-way collabs are an easy win for increasing reach and engagement.

Help Viewers Discover Your Reels

Reels are a key way to get found by new audiences on Instagram. Make it as easy as possible for your Reels to be discovered with these tips:

Use Engaging Audio

Audio can make or break a Reel. Use music or popular audio clips already getting engagement.

Hop on Trends

Look at popular hashtags and try trending Reel ideas. Put your spin on what is resonating now.

Post at Peak Times

Analyze when your followers are most active and post Reels during those high traffic windows.

**Remix & Respond **

Engage with viral photos and Reels by remixing or responding to them in your own Reels.

Optimize Captions

Include relevant captions, hashtags, and tags in your video descriptions. Help Instagram understand the content.

Reels that leverage trends and audio paired with optimization have the best shot at going viral.

Use Subscriptions to Upsell Fans

Loyal followers are perfect candidates for upselling to a paid subscription. Try these tactics:

Promote Subscriber Perks

Let fans know exactly what they get from a subscription. Show them the value.

Offer Exclusive Content

Post snippets of subscriber-only content to give them a preview and entice signups.

Gate Access Occasionally

Restrict some sought-after content like Lives or giveaways to subscribers only.

Highlight Paid Subs

Thank and feature paid subscribers in posts and Stories. Make them feel valued.

Run Limited Promos

Offer time-bound sales, discounts, or gifts for new subscribers to incentivize signups.

Subscriptions work best when you showcase the exclusive experiences subscribers unlock.

Instagram Strategy Guide For Businesses

Instagram presents unique opportunities for businesses. But you need the right strategy to capitalize. Follow this Instagram guide to set your business up for success.

Craft an Instagram Brand Story

Before posting anything, establish your brand story and voice.

Identify Your Purpose

What do you stand for? What change do you exist to make in the world? Define your driving beliefs.

Establish Your Voice

Choose an authentic narrative voice. Are you fun and irreverent or sophisticated and elegant? Match it to your brand.

Plan Content Pillars

Group your posts into overarching themes and content pillars tied to your purpose and voice.

Design Visual Identity

Create cohesive visuals that reinforce your style. Add your logo, color scheme, fonts, and filters.

Be Consistent

Stick to the story, voice, pillars, and designs you outlined above across all your Instagram content and activity.

Defining your narrative and aesthetics from the start creates consistency and recognizability.

Grow Your Audience

Once your brand story is set, focus on increasing your audience.

Respond to All Comments

Reply to any comments, questions, or feedback on your posts. Show you actively engage with your audience.

Interact With Followers

Proactively like and comment on your followers’ posts. Build more personal connections.

Run Giveaways

Run contests and giveaways that encourage followers to like, comment, and share for a prize.

Promote Offline

Add your Instagram handle on packaging, receipts, in-store displays, and elsewhere.

Partner With Micro-Influencers

Collaborate on co-marketing campaigns with relevant micro-influencers in your niche.

The more you interact with and incentivize your audience, the more it will grow.

Convert Followers into Customers

Growing an audience is just step one. You also need to convert those followers into paying customers.

Spotlight Specific Products

Showcase individual products with dedicated posts explaining features and value.

Share User-Generated Content

Re-share customer posts of them enjoying your products. The social proof builds trust.

Link in Bio to Sales Page

Drive traffic to your site by linking your bio and posts to a sales landing page.

Run Targeted Paid Ads

Create paid ads spotlighting your product and aimed at lookalike audiences.

Retarget Site Visitors

Remarket to people who visited but didn’t convert on your site to re-engage them.

Converting passive followers into active purchasers takes a mix of education, offers, and retargeting.

Measure Performance with Analytics

Analytics should guide your Instagram strategy. Track these metrics:


Total impressions measures how many times your posts are seen. Aim to increase reach.


Engagements include likes, comments, shares, and more. Higher engagement equates to interest.


Click tracking tells you what posts and products attract the most clicks. Double down on what resonates.


Conversion tracking ties clicks to actions like purchases, email signups, content downloads, etc. Optimize for conversions.

Return on Investment (ROI)

Ultimately calculate your Instagram ROI based on sales revenue driven and costs. Profit is the goal.

Analyze your data to see what’s working and what’s not. Continuously improve your strategy based on the numbers.

Key Takeaways

The fundamentals for an effective Instagram strategy include:

  • Establishing your brand story and visual identity
  • Growing your audience through interactions and partnerships
  • Converting followers into paying customers
  • Measuring performance with analytics