Imagine earning money every time someone listens to your favorite song, watches a movie, or reads a book. Sounds dreamy, right? Well, that’s exactly how people make passive income from buying royalties. It’s like owning a tiny piece of something that makes money over and over again!
Here’s how it works: Royalties are payments made to creators—like musicians, authors, or movie makers—whenever their work is used. Instead of creating something yourself, you can buy the rights to someone else’s royalties. For example, if you buy the royalties for a popular song, you get a portion of the money every time that song is played on the radio or streamed online.
To start, people can buy royalties through platforms that sell these rights. You can invest in music royalties, book royalties, or even patents for inventions. Once you own the rights, you earn money whenever the work is used, often for many years. The best part? It’s passive! You don’t need to do anything extra to keep earning.
While buying royalties can take a little upfront investment, the steady stream of income can add up over time, making it an interesting way to make money without much ongoing effort.