Categories: Make Money

How to Revive a Dying Instagram Account

Is your Instagram account struggling? Engagement down? Growth stalled? Don’t start a new account just yet.

This guide will show you how to diagnose issues and relaunch your current Instagram account for success.

Step 1: Determine the Cause of Death

Morbid, I know. But identifying why your Instagram is underperforming is crucial for revival.

Here are common causes of Instagram account deaths:


Not posting for an extended period can hurt reach and momentum. But a short break of a few weeks typically doesn’t drastically impact accounts.

Prolonged inactivity of 3+ months however can cause accounts to plummet.

Violating Guidelines

Breaking Instagram’s rules around fake followers, commenting too rapidly, etc can suppress your reach.

Check your Account Status. Violations are flagged there. Resolve them to restore account health.

Switching Your Niche or Audience

Sudden niche or audience changes confuse Instagram’s algorithm. It won’t know who to recommend your content to.

Slowly evolve your niche over time instead of abruptly flipping overnight.

Unrealistic Expectations

Before assuming your account is dying, check if your expectations are too high or based on comparisons. Engagement declines industry-wide over time as Instagram grows. Review your trends, not just outliers.

My Take

Be honest about assessing what may have caused a drop-off. Identify the core issue to reverse it.

Step 2: Research What Your Audience Craves Right Now

Use TikTok’s highly engaged users to uncover what your audience wants today.

  • Find creators with similar audiences
  • Read their comment sections
  • Note requests, questions, engagement
  • Compile these insights into content ideas

Then create posts and Reels tailored to these audience interests.

My Take

Researching niche trends outside of Instagram provides an impartial lens into your audience’s current preferences.

Step 3. Batch Create Content Based on Your Findings

Turn your audience research into actual content.

Focus on a mix of photos and Reels based on your goal:

  • Primarily Reels if trying to reach new people and gain followers
  • More photos if rebuilding engagement with existing audience

Use my batching process to create weeks of content efficiently.

My Take

Photos and Reels balance one another. Use both formats strategically based on whether you need reach or engagement more.

Step 4. Schedule Content Daily, But Not Too Much

Post your new content daily for maximum consistency.

Aim for:

  • 7 posts per week (1 per day)
  • Or at minimum 5 posts per week

Schedule posts in advance using planning tools to automate consistency.

My Take

Daily posting shows Instagram you’re actively using your account. But assess what cadence you can sustain long-term.

Step 5. Optimize Your Captions

Write clear, descriptive captions using relevant keywords. For example:

  • For a fitness post, mention the exercise, equipment, etc.
  • For a fashion look, note the designer, style, etc.

This helps Instagram understand your content and recommend it. But avoid keyword stuffing.

My Take

When trying to revive an account, optimized captions give Instagram clues about your niche.

Step 6. Respond to All Comments

Reward anyone who engages by replying to all comments and questions on your posts.

This boosts user generated content and satisfaction.

My Take

Don’t take comments for granted. They signal your relaunch content is working. Capitalize on any engagement.

Step 7. Review Your Monthly Analytics

Screenshot and compare metrics month-over-month:

  • Impressions
  • Reach
  • Engagement
  • Link clicks
  • Followers

Evaluate if your relaunch is succeeding based on improving stats.

My Take

Hard data removes emotions and assumptions from assessing if your Instagram is rebounding or not.

Mistakes to Avoid With Your Instagram Relaunch

Steer clear of these missteps to ensure your Instagram relaunch succeeds:

Starting Too Many New Accounts

Don’t immediately abandon your account and start fresh every time you hit a temporary slump. Stick it out and turn it around.

Constantly creating new accounts means starting over from scratch. It’s usually better to revive what’s already established.

My Take

Have patience reviving your current account before considering starting over. Slow, steady growth pays off.

Copying Other Content

Researching trends is wise. Blindly copying other popular content won’t revive your account though.

Put your unique spin on trending topics and formats. Or make evergreen versions.

My Take

Unoriginal derivative content won’t feel authentic or distinctive. It becomes forgettable.

Posting Less Than 5X Per Week

Sporadic posting makes growth challenging. At minimum, post 5 days a week. 7 days is better.

Gaps make followers forget about you. Stay top of mind with daily content.

My Take

Posting 1-2 times a week is not enough when reviving an account. Up your frequency.

Only Posting Reels or Photos

Exclusively using one format limits your reach potential.

Balance Reels and photos based on goals. Use both.

My Take

Each format has strengths. Photos engage followers. Reels reach new audiences. Do both.

Ignoring Hashtags Entirely

Hashtags still help extend reach despite reduced effectiveness.

Include some relevant niche hashtags – just don’t obsess over them.

My Take

Avoid hashtag spamming. But sprinkle in some that make sense.

Neglecting Your Bio

Treat your bio as prime real estate.

Refresh it with keywords, clickable links, and current messaging.

An outdated stagnant bio suggests an inactive brand.

My Take

Your bio is crucial real estate for relaying what you offer. Keep it updated.

Additional Tips to Accelerate Your Instagram Revival

Beyond the standard revival tips, these bonus tactics can supercharge your efforts:

Leverage Instagram Guides

Create an Instagram Guide around your core offers, products, or services.

Guides keep your brand top of mind in a browseable format.

My Take

Guides boost impressions and provide a way to showcase your brand in Stories.

Hop on Trending Audio

When Reels with certain audios trend, quickly make your own version.

Put your unique spin on the trending audio while it’s hot.

My Take

Repurpose viral sounds before they get saturated for extra reach.

Run Limited Time Offers

Temporarily discount products/services or create special bundles.

LTOs incentivize follows, shares, and purchases during your relaunch.

My Take

Strategic LTOs create urgency and spike engagement.

Host Live Q&As

Increase visibility with Live videos on products, services, or your industry.

Also invite followers to join and engage.

My Take

Lives give exclusive value. The urgency drives views.

Partner With Niche Influencers

Run promotions with influencers in your industry.

Access their audience through giveaways requiring follows.

My Take

The right influencer partnerships expose you to targeted new followers.

Fine Tune Visual Branding

Audit your visual branding:

  • Images
  • Logo
  • Color scheme
  • Editing style

Optimize all visual elements for consistency.

My Take

A cohesive, recognizable visual identity signals a strong brand.

Key Takeaways

Here are my top tips for reviving an Instagram account:

  • Diagnose the root cause of your account struggles
  • Research what your audience craves right now
  • Create tailored content based on those interests
  • Commit to consistent daily posting
  • Write optimized captions to improve reach
  • Respond to all comments and engage followers
  • Analyze metrics to benchmark progress
  • Avoid common mistakes like infrequent posting
  • Use accelerated strategies like Live videos and collabs

With strategic effort, any struggling Instagram account can be revived.

What’s your top tip for relaunching inactive Instagram accounts? Share it in the comments!


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