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Instagram Algorithm Changes in 2023: A Deep Dive

Instagram is always tweaking their algorithms. But 2023 brings some major updates that will change how you use Instagram for your brand.

In this post, we’ll break down all the key Instagram algorithm changes and what they mean for marketers and creators.

There’s No Single Instagram Algorithm

The first big revelation is that there isn’t one master Instagram algorithm.

Instead, Instagram uses a variety of algorithms tailored to each part of the app.

There are unique algorithms for:

  • Feed
  • Stories
  • Reels
  • Search
  • Explore/suggestions

And more.

Each algorithm is optimized for the goals and content types of that specific section.

Key Takeaway:

Tailor your Instagram strategy based on where you want to show up. Don’t take a one-size-fits-all approach. Optimize your content differently for Feed vs Reels vs Stories.

The Instagram Stories Algorithm

People use Instagram Stories to keep up with their closest connections.

So the Stories algorithm ranks based on your relationships and interactions, not just content quality.

The top ranking signals are:

  • Your history of viewing/interacting with their stories
  • Your history of engaging with their posts and profile
  • Your overall connection to the account

Stories from your best friends will likely rank higher than an entertaining story from a stranger.

Real-Life Example

My college roommate who rarely posts ranks at the top of my Stories feed because we chat daily on Instagram. Meanwhile, viral comedy accounts I don’t follow are buried way down.

Key Takeaway:

Build close connections with followers by engaging with their content consistently over time. This will make your Stories stand out in their feeds.

Cracking the Instagram Feed Algorithm

The Instagram Feed aims to show you the best posts from your network since your last visit.

Its top ranking factors are:

  1. Your history of interactions with posts and accounts
  2. Your relationship to the post creator
  3. How recently the post was shared

Basically, it favors posts from accounts you engage with regularly, especially if you interacted recently.

Real-Life Example

Let’s say I consistently like and comment on posts from a fitness influencer I follow. If they share a new post, it will likely appear higher in my feed than a post from an old colleague I rarely interact with.

Key Takeaway:

Build engagement habit loops with followers. Like and comment on their posts routinely so your content shows up higher in their feeds.

Gaming the Instagram Reels Algorithm

The Reels algorithm is all about predicting what you’ll find entertaining or interesting. Not who you know.

Its ranking signals are:

  1. Your reactions to previous reels
  2. Reactions from accounts with interests like yours
  3. Your connections to the reel creator

It uses your past viewing behavior to recommend relevant trending and popular reels.

Real-Life Example

If I watch reels about interior design, I’ll start seeing more design reels – even from accounts I don’t follow. Reels I ignored from my best friend won’t rank as high.

Key Takeaway:

Analyze trends and create reels about topics proven to get engagement from your target audience. Don’t rely on followers alone.

Standing Out on the Explore Page

Instagram’s Explore page recommends posts based on:

  1. Current popularity and trends
  2. Your interests and interactions
  3. Your connections with the account

It tends to favor timely, trending content. But also relates it back to your tastes.

Real-Life Example

Around Halloween, my Explore page featured lots of pumpkin carving ideas, spooky makeup tutorials, and costume reels. All trending seasonal content tailored to my interests.

Key Takeaway:

Chase trends strategically by putting your unique spin on what is currently popular and engaging.

Are Shadowbans Real?

There’s a lot of fear about getting “shadowbanned” on Instagram. But according to Adam Mosseri, this isn’t really a thing.

In a video, Adam addressed shadowbanning rumors, clarifying:

  • They don’t throttle reach to force ad spending
  • Some content gets demoted for violations
  • Check Account Status for issues

However, leaked docs show bans happen without users knowing why. Critics argue Instagram suppresses some political content.

It’s murky and unclear. Don’t stress, just focus on great content!

Key Takeaway:

Don’t obsess over potential “shadowbans”. Just ensure you follow Guidelines and keep optimizing content.

Tips to Improve Your Instagram Reach

To wrap up the algorithm deep dive, here are 5 tips to boost your reach:

1. Diversify content across Instagram surfaces. Tailor content specifically for Reels, Stories, Feed, etc.

2. Analyze your analytics. Look for long-term trends of what content resonates.

3. Collaborate with relevant creators. Cross-promote for a wider audience.

4. Check Account Status often. Stay on top of any issues or violations.

5. Focus on original, high-quality content. Avoid repurposing others’ content excessively.

Key Instagram Algorithm Takeaways

To summarize:

  • There isn’t one magic Instagram algorithm
  • Each section has unique ranking factors
  • Optimize based on goals for each area
  • Prioritize relevance and engagement over followers
  • Avoid shadowban anxiety and focus on great content

Knowing how the Instagram algorithm works in 2023 will help you maximize your reach and results.

How to Improve Your Instagram Content Strategy

Now that you know how the Instagram algorithm works, here are some tips to level up your content.

Dial in Your Instagram Aesthetic

Have a consistent visual style across Instagram:

  • Use the same filters and editing style
  • Feature cohesive colors and themes
  • Add your logo and consistent branding

This helps you become instantly recognizable.

Pro Tip: Create branded Instagram Highlights covers to reinforce your visual identity.

Find Your Instagram Niche

Don’t try to be everything to everyone. Identify a specific niche and own it.

For example:

  • Fashion → Streetwear outfit inspiration
  • Food → Quick & easy vegetarian recipes
  • Fitness → At-home HIIT workouts

Position yourself as an expert in your niche. Target interests, not demographics.

Research Trending Topics & Hashtags

Use Instagram trends to create timely, relevant content:

  • Check hashtag volumes and monitor trending topics
  • Put your spin on viral meme formats
  • Riff on trending audio clips in Reels

But give engaging trends longevity with evergreen content as well.

Schedule Quality Over Quantity

Post consistently, but not constantly:

  • 2-3 posts per day maximum
  • Space out your best content
  • Schedule posts during engagement peaks

Too much content overwhelms and dilutes your feed. Prioritize quality.

Interact With Your Audience

Engage with your followers and niche:

  • Respond to all comments and questions
  • Like and comment on followers’ posts
  • Do collaborative giveaways and contests
  • Go Live with Q&As and exclusive content

Human interaction builds loyalty and community.

Tips to Take Your Instagram Stories Game to The Next Level

Instagram Stories let you give followers a peek into your world. Here are tips to tell better stories.

Use Stories to Tease Upcoming Content

Give people a reason to tune in again:

  • Offer “Behind the scenes” of an upcoming post
  • Poll followers for content ideas or feedback
  • Ask a cliffhanger question and promise answers tomorrow

Stories build anticipation for your best content.

Add Interactive Elements

Leverage Instagram Stories features:

  • Include polls and questions to spark conversation
  • Use sliders and emoji scales for ratings
  • Try Quiz and Trivia stickers for contests

Getting followers to engage makes your Stories more memorable.

Go Live or Host AMAs

Go Live or do an “Ask Me Anything” session:

  • Livestream exclusive events or sales
  • Answer followers’ burning questions
  • Invite guests for cross-promotions

Live video offers unfiltered authenticity.

Post Consistently

Share stories multiple times per day:

  • Scheduling tools like Later simplify this
  • Mix casual check-ins with more polished content
  • Show both professional and personal sides

Frequent storytelling keeps you top of mind.

Analyze Performance

Check Story insights to improve:

  • See total viewers and shares
  • Check completion rates
  • Identify best times for engagement

Let data guide you to better Stories.

Reels Best Practices to Boost Your Views

Instagram Reels have immense potential for going viral. Use these best practices to maximize your views:

Hook Viewers Instantly

Grab attention right away:

  • Open with stunning visuals
  • Use text overlays upfront
  • Feature energetic/unexpected sounds

Each Reel must impress in seconds.

Ride Trending Sounds

Use popular sounds and songs:

  • Check the Reels tab for trending audio
  • Put your spin on viral audio early
  • Create Reel playlists around themes

Familiar sounds help get seen by more people.

Remix Trending Content

Re-invent what is already working:

  • Review top posts and Reels in your niche
  • Remix top content in your unique style
  • Give credit to the OP for engagement

Putting a new spin on trends can kickstart ideas.

Batch Create Reel Content

Produce Reels efficiently:

  • Set aside a block for shooting short clips
  • Knock out a bunch of videos at once
  • Then build into complete Reels over time

Batch production saves time.

Collaborate With Other Creators

Team up for cross-promotion:

  • Work with creators in similar niches
  • Develop content benefiting both audiences
  • Co-market Reels widely

Collabs expand your reach overnight.

Make Your Instagram Profile Stand Out

Your profile is key real estate for conveying your brand. Optimize your profile with these tips:

Perfect Your Profile Picture

Your pic is prime branding:

  • Use a high-quality, well-lit photo
  • Show your face for familiarity
  • Ensure it looks recognizable small

It appears on comments, DMs, and more.

Refresh Your Bio Regularly

Keep evolving your bio as your brand grows:

  • Feature current, clickable links
  • Tout new offerings
  • Add relevant emoji and tags

Your bio tells viewers what you’re all about NOW.

Showcase With Highlights

Organize Stories into themed Highlights:

  • Group by popular segments or topics
  • Add custom covers to Highlights
  • Feature most important Highlights first

Highlights display your best content all in one place.

Spotlight Your Best Posts

Pin your top 3 posts for quick access:

  • Change pins regularly to promote new content
  • Showcase posts that convert or exemplify your brand
  • Link to posts driving important goals

Pinned posts put your best foot forward.

Your profile is your 24/7 sales pitch on Instagram. Keep it updated and optimized.

Instagram Growth Hacks to Explode Your Following

Growing an engaged following takes time. But you can shortcut your way to an audience using these growth hacks.

Level Up With Influencer Shoutouts

Get a shoutout from a top nano or micro influencer in your niche.

The Benefits:

  • Instantly tap into their audience
  • Gain cred from their endorsement
  • Start ongoing collab relationships

Just ensure their audience aligns with yours first.

Run Loop Giveaways

Recurring giveaways incentivize followers to regularly:

  • Like posts
  • Save products
  • Comment and tag friends

Keep momentum going with back-to-back giveaways.

Buy Targeted Shoutouts

Leverage shoutout marketplaces like ShoutCart to get:

  • Guaranteed story and/or feed posts
  • Precise targeting by interest or location
  • Full analytics on engagements and clicks

Zero in on your perfect audience.

Follow/Unfollow to Find Your People

Follow niche accounts and engaged followers. Then filter out irrelevant followers.

Do this manually or use tools like Followers+. But don’t overdo it.

Cross-Promote With Strategic Partners

Find brands complementary to yours. Then:

  • Swap posts/stories
  • Co-host a live or giveaway
  • Share each other’s content

Align with brands that speak to your audience.

Growth hacking combines tools, automation and strategy to accelerate Instagram growth. Use these wisely.

Key Takeaways

Here are the core recommendations for upping your Instagram game in 2023:

Tailor Content to Each Section

  • Feed for followers
  • Stories for fans
  • Reels for growth

Obsess Over Quality & Consistency

  • Refine aesthetic and messaging
  • Double down on what performs
  • Maintain regular interaction

Monitor Trends & Capitalize Quickly

  • Analyze hashtags and sounds
  • Add your spin fast
  • Mix trendy content with evergreen

Collaborate Frequently With Similar Creators

  • Cross-promote congruent offerings
  • Limit one-off partnerships
  • Develop strategic relationships

Relentlessly Delight Your Audience

  • Surprise and connect with followers
  • Give them VIP access
  • Show genuine appreciation

Focus on these fundamentals, and you will build an engaged audience that keeps growing in 2023!


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