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Reevaluating Purchases: How Much Time Would You Work for That?

life hacks that's saved you a ton of money

Key Takeaway:

Before making frivolous purchases, consider how many hours you would need to work to afford it. This simple perspective shift can help you make more mindful spending decisions and prioritize your financial well-being.

Are you tired of impulse buys draining your bank account? Discover a practical life hack that can revolutionize your approach to spending and help you save a ton of money in the long run.

The Time vs. Money Conundrum

  • Question Your Purchases: Whenever you feel tempted to buy something frivolous, pause and ask yourself: How many hours of work would it take to afford this item?
  • Value Your Time: Consider whether the joy or satisfaction you’ll derive from the purchase is worth the hours of effort you put into your job to earn the equivalent amount of money.
  • Shift in Perspective: Instead of focusing solely on the price tag, view purchases through the lens of time spent working, leading to more thoughtful and intentional spending habits.

Putting it into Practice

  • Hourly Wage Calculation: Calculate your hourly wage by dividing your salary by the number of hours you work each week. This will give you a clearer picture of the value of your time.
  • Example Scenarios: Imagine you earn $20 per hour. Is that $100 gadget worth five hours of your time? Would you be willing to work two full days for a weekend getaway?
  • Reevaluate Your Priorities: Reflect on whether the item you desire aligns with your long-term goals and priorities. Will it bring lasting happiness or just fleeting satisfaction?

Real-Life Example:

Consider John, who earns $25 per hour at his job. He’s eyeing a new gaming console priced at $500. Before making the purchase, John asks himself if he’s willing to sacrifice 20 hours of his time at work for the console. After careful consideration, John realizes that the console isn’t worth nearly a full workweek’s worth of effort, leading him to reconsider and save his hard-earned money instead.


By reframing your perspective on spending and considering the amount of time you’d need to work for each purchase, you can make more informed and mindful decisions with your money. This simple life hack empowers you to prioritize your financial well-being, avoid unnecessary expenses, and work towards achieving your long-term goals. So, the next time you’re tempted to splurge on something frivolous, ask yourself: Is it worth the hours of your life you’ll spend to have it?