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The Consequences of Outsourcing: Lessons from a Fizzy Drinks Giant

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In the world of global corporations, decisions to outsource services can have far-reaching implications. This article explores a real-life scenario where a major fizzy drinks company made the fateful choice to move its “corporate” phone support operations from the UK to India, despite contractual commitments for guaranteed UK support. The consequences of this decision were significant, resulting in the cancellation of over 50,000 phones and the migration of customers to a rival company.

The Fizzy Drinks Company’s Dilemma


Imagine a global fizzy drinks company with an extensive customer base and a significant need for customer support services. To manage its customer interactions, the company had established a “corporate” phone support center in the UK. Customers expected prompt and effective assistance, and the company had a contractual obligation to provide guaranteed UK support.

The Outsourcing Temptation

Driven by the allure of cost savings and the potential to reduce operational expenses, the company began considering outsourcing its phone support operations. Outsourcing to countries like India, known for its cost-effective labor, appeared to be a viable solution to cut expenses.

The Unintended Consequences

The Decision to Outsource

Despite contractual commitments to provide UK support, the company made the decision to outsource its phone support operations to India. This decision was primarily motivated by the expectation of cost savings, as labor costs in India were substantially lower than those in the UK.

Customer Backlash

The repercussions of this decision were swift and severe. Customers, accustomed to UK support, were displeased with the change. They found it challenging to communicate effectively with support agents in India due to language differences and the perception of reduced service quality.

Mass Phone Cancellations

In response to the outsourcing decision and customer dissatisfaction, a significant number of customers chose to cancel their phone contracts with the company. Over 50,000 phones were canceled, leading to a substantial loss in revenue and market share.

Rival Company’s Gain

The rival company, aware of the discontent among its competitor’s customers, seized the opportunity to attract disgruntled customers. They offered competitive deals, excellent customer service, and a return to UK-based support, luring customers away from the fizzy drinks company.

The Cost-Benefit Analysis

The Illusion of Cost Savings

While the initial motivation for outsourcing was cost savings, the company failed to consider the long-term financial implications. The perceived cost savings from lower labor costs in India were overshadowed by the loss of revenue due to customer cancellations and defections to the rival company.

Contractual Obligations

The decision to outsource also raised questions about the company’s commitment to its contractual obligations. By moving support operations offshore, the company breached its contractual promise of guaranteed UK support, eroding trust and confidence among customers.

Lessons Learned

1. Customer-Centric Approach

A customer-centric approach should guide decision-making. Companies must prioritize customer satisfaction and take into account customer preferences and expectations, especially in industries where customer loyalty is crucial.

2. Long-Term Financial Impact

When considering outsourcing as a cost-saving measure, companies should conduct a comprehensive cost-benefit analysis that accounts for potential long-term financial consequences. Short-term savings may not justify the long-term losses.

3. Contractual Commitments

Companies must uphold their contractual commitments and obligations to maintain trust and credibility among customers and partners. Breaching contracts can have lasting negative effects.

Real-Life Implications

Example: Call Center Outsourcing

The case of the fizzy drinks company’s outsourcing decision mirrors challenges faced by many organizations that outsource call center operations. Companies must carefully assess the impact on customer satisfaction, costs, and contractual obligations when considering such moves.


The story of the fizzy drinks company’s ill-fated decision to outsource its “corporate” phone support operations serves as a valuable lesson for businesses contemplating similar moves. While outsourcing can offer cost-saving potential, it must be approached with careful consideration of customer satisfaction, long-term financial implications, and contractual commitments.

Companies should prioritize a customer-centric approach, conduct thorough cost-benefit analyses, and uphold their contractual obligations to maintain trust and competitiveness in the marketplace. The unintended consequences of outsourcing, as demonstrated in this real-life example, underscore the importance of informed and strategic decision-making in the corporate world.